
Fundraising ($15,606.30 raised)

Support Associa Cares, Inc.!

Raised: $15,606.30
Contributors: 392

Top groups:

  • 1.
    #associa 44 racers × $85.88 avg = $3,778.78
  • 2.
    #texas 15 racers × $173.37 avg = $2,600.51
  • 3.
    #pmghouston 10 racers × $207.37 avg = $2,073.67
  • see more...

Top fundraisers:

Top contributors:

  • 1.
    Aivy Vu $600
  • 2.
    Barry Roofing, Inc. $600
  • 3.
    Inside Out Company Ross $600
  • see more...

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      *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

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        Athletes (228)



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        Ultra Leaderboard

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            *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

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              This race ended 07/13/23 - check out the final activity below.

              OR start a new challenge here!

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              (team members logging since Mar 11, 2025)



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                  This race ended 07/13/23 - check out the final activity here.

                  OR start a new challenge here!


                  You need to validate this device to chat.

                  **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies July 6, 2023
                    Surprise Trivia time! Be the first to answer correctly to receive a $5 bonus donation! Each racer is limited to two responses. Seaworld Orlando actively rescues and returns endangered aquatic animals to the wild once they are well enough. Which of these is among the regularly rescued endangered animals at Seaworld Orlando? (A) Tiger Shark (B) Blue Crab (C) Manatee (D) Crocodile
                    (c) Manatees!!!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 27, 2023
                    Surprise Trivia time! Be the first to answer correctly to receive a $5 bonus donation! Each racer is limited to two responses. What was Disney's first real original film in terms of the storyline? (A) Bambi (B)Aladdin (C)The Lion King (D) Beauty and the Beast
                    C) The Lion King
                    Yes, that is correct! @JennRoff
                    Good guess @NamasteRunning ! The answer is C, The Lion King. :) Thank you for playing!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 26, 2023
                    Hey everyone, a friendly PSA that if you have hit the final stop already (Gatorland), you don't have to stop there - Keep going! You will start the route again and your miles WILL accumulate. :)
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 26, 2023
                    Photo Theme 3: It's a waterful life (#waterful) Many of you are making your way to, or already past the 3rd stop in sunny Florida - SeaWorld! In honor of this famous aquatic-life theme park, our third Photo Theme is "It's a waterful life". For this photo theme, snap a photo of any body of water before, during, or after your daily exercise. If you come across any aquatic life, share them too (turtles, fish, ducks, etc. Hopefully no sharks - but we will be impressed!). Be creative and even silly - If you don't have any natural bodies of water near you, then take a picture after your run or walk by your community pool, kiddie pool, etc. Post your photo(s) with the hashtag #waterful. The given # will help us keep track of everyone's photo submissions. Also, when you use #waterful, you will join the "Group" #waterful so you can see other's photos in one spot. Check out who else belongs to the "Group": When you use #waterful, you will be able to easily see who else belongs to the "Group" by visiting your My Bio page in your account drop-down menu (top right corner) and selecting the different groups in blue. Here's how to upload your #waterful photos (and any other activity photos): 1. Click the camera icon in the LOG ACTIVITY tab and select your photo from your device. 2. Formats are jpeg, gif, png, or bmp. Size is limited to 10 MB for pictures, so you may need to edit your photo before uploading. 3. In the comments sections include #waterful and any other hashtags ("Group" names using the #) to connect your photos and activity in the race with others. For example #associa or #AssociaWellness. 4. Select SUBMIT when you are done entering your activity and your photo has been uploaded.
                  • MsGucci The Pink Ladies June 22, 2023
                    1 Mile you need to exceed more than 1 mile to catch the Pink Ladies
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 19, 2023
                    Photo Theme 2: Disneybounding (#magic) Many of you are making your way to the second stop in sunny Florida - Disney World! In honor of the Magic Kingdom, our second Photo Theme is a new trend called "Disneybounding." Disneyboudning uses everyday clothing in a way that represents a specific Disney character. For example, red shorts, a white shirt, and a black hat for Mickey Mouse or green leggings, a purple shirt, and a red hat for Little Mermaid. The possibilities are endless and be creative! Post your photo(s) with the hashtag #magic. The given # will help us keep track of everyone's photo submissions. Also, when you use #magic, you will join the "Group" #magic so you can see other's photos in one spot. Check out who else belongs to the "Group": When you use #magic, you will be able to easily see who else belongs to the "Group" by visiting your My Bio page in your account drop-down menu (top right corner) and selecting the different groups in blue. Here's how to upload your #magic photos (and any other activity photos): 1. Click the camera icon in the LOG ACTIVITY tab and select your photo from your device. 2. Formats are jpeg, gif, png, or bmp. Size is limited to 10 MB for pictures, so you may need to edit your photo before uploading. 3. In the comments sections include #magic and any other hashtags ("Group" names using the #) to connect your photos and activity in the race with others. For example #associa or #AssociaWellness. 4. Select SUBMIT when you are done entering your activity and your photo has been uploaded.
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 16, 2023
                    Surprise Trivia time! Be the first to answer correctly to receive a $5 bonus donation! Just think about how many Legos there are in the entire world - that's a lot! On average, how many Lego bricks are there for each person in the world? (A.) 105 (B.) 80 (C.) 200 (D.) You're silly - No body has calculated that.
                    lol, sorry someone has indeed calculated this @HDQRed .
                    Well then I'm going to go with C!
                    No, sorry! Thanks for playing @HDQRed ! :)
                    @JStropas yes! According to National Geographic (kids) there are 80 Lego bricks, on average, per person on earth!
                    @DKracer I believe it!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 14, 2023
                    Hey everyone! We have an employee out of the CSSC in Richardson looking to join, but would like to be part of a team. Please respond to this message or email me at if you can have them join yours. TY!
                    @dkracer Jason and I set up a team. J&B vs Rhomies. Feel free to send us new teammates!
                    Thank you @ThatGuy307 , I have found them a spot. :) But if anyone else reaches out I will send them your way!
                  • Joymarino InlandEmpire June 13, 2023
                    Woohoo...well on my way with an amazing team.
                    How do I know my pass code for the app ?
                    @Firsthand the passcode is a unique four-digit code you set yourself in your account settings. Navigate to your account "avatar" which is your thumbnail photo/image, click on that and there is a dropdown menu. You should see a "Settings" option. Click on that, then you will arrive at a screen/page to set a passcode.
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 12, 2023
                    Hey everyone! So excited to have the race kick-off today. Please be sure to check your emails for communications throughout the week during the race. A photo theme email was issued a bit earlier for #legoland. I am posting the details below in case you joined after the fact. Photo Theme 1: LEGOLAND (#legoland) Your first stop in sunny Florida was at LEGOLAND. In honor of the old-school Lego colors (Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow) let's represent by wearing something with one of these colors during your posted activities this week. A yellow shirt, red shorts, green hat, blue earbuds - If you're feeling snazzy go for them all! Post your photo(s) with the hashtag #legoland. The given # will help us keep track of everyone's photo submissions. Also, when you use #legoland, you will join the "Group" #legoland so you can see other's photos in one spot. Check out who else belongs to the "Group": When you use #legoland, you will be able to easily see who else belongs to the "Group" by visiting your My Bio page in your account drop-down menu (top right corner) and selecting the different groups in blue. Here's how to upload your #legoland photos (and any other activity photos): 1. Click the camera icon in the LOG ACTIVITY tab and select your photo from your device. 2. Formats are jpeg, gif, png, or bmp. Size is limited to 10 MB for pictures, so you may need to edit your photo before uploading. 3. In the comments sections include #legoland and any other hashtags ("Group" names using the #) to connect your photos and activity in the race with others. For example #associa or #AssociaWellness. 4. Select SUBMIT when you are done entering your activity and your photo has been uploaded.
                  • Sleepy63 CubiCommanders June 8, 2023
                    Thank you so much!
                  • DKracer The Pink Ladies June 6, 2023
                    Hey everyone! So excited to kick off the race next week! Team captains, there is still plenty of time to get your teams full. :) Remember you have a unique link you can share with others to join your team and also a unique fundraising link to use when you ask for donations, "miles match", donations, etc. Please reach out to me with any questions you may have at P.S. An email about the race and your race swag fitness packs will be coming to your email inboxes by the end of the week.
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                  (team members logging since Mar 11, 2025)



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                    Team Mileage Log:

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                      About + Join

                      • From: LegoLand
                      • To: Gatorland
                      • Start date: June 12, 2023
                      • End date: July 13, 2023
                      • 0:00
                      • 23:59
                      • Route distance: 83 miles
                      • Total logged: 17,774.1 miles

                      A 30-day virtual race competition to raise crucial funds for Associa Cares, a 501(c)3 nonprofit created by Associa to help families and communities in crisis s due to natural or human-made disasters. What better way to keep you motivated on your fitness journey than by supporting a worthy cause with every mile you achieve?

                      Donations to Associa Cares, TIN 20-5832439, may be tax-deductible and will be processed via the secure payment processor Stripe. All donations made to the race go 100% to Associa Cares. Please reach out to Danika Knoop at for additional questions or visit

                      BOTB Destination Fun Stops:

                      1. LEGOLAND

                      2. Disney World

                      3. Sea World

                      4. Universal Studios

                      5. Gatorland

                      More About Destination Fun! Race:
                      Exercise anywhere you want. Even organize a team or group walk. Then log the activity and see your avatar move across the route from theme park to theme park. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest mileage!

                      To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:

                      1. Watch this video of Racery pro tips.

                      2. Complete your bio. Include #groups to better track friends or colleagues.

                      3. Update your passcode in settings.

                      4. To be inclusive as possible, the challenge includes activity conversions.  Conversions are based on effort, i.e. 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling in minutes, not miles.

                      5. To delete a log, click its gear on the right.

                      6. Don’t like one type of email? Unsubscribe at the bottom of that email.

                      7. If you post on social media, please include #raceryapp so we can find you!

                      8. We rely on the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles, a good map or watch suffices.

                      9. Only log intentional exercise please.

                      10. Attribute your exercise to the appropriate day—don't combine workouts from multiple days.

                      11. Only backdate logs for a race up to two weeks in the past.

                      12. Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.

                      Software or technical questions? Write!
                      Questions about the Associa Cares or The Grand Challenge rules or competition? email!
                      No mileage submitted yet.