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              Recent Activity

              This race ended 03/01/21 - check out the final activity below.

              OR start a new challenge here!

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              • Janci19 Team TOR/IPM Mar 1, 2021
                3.9 miles
                3.9 miles of running/Walking = 3.9 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 3.33 miles/day.  3rd Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner moving TeamTOR/IPM into #2.
              • DKracer Team POW! Mar 1, 2021
                1.0 miles
                1.0 mile of walking = 1.0 mile
                My motivation. #mm - The Colony, TX, USA
                 Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 1.12 miles/day.  Passed 2 runners.
                That #mm is more like it!
              • BeckiW CSS Mar 1, 2021
                6.4 miles
                6.4 miles of running/Walking = 6.4 miles
                 Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.
              • ThatGuy307 CSS Mar 1, 2021
                4.5 miles
                4.53 miles of running = 4.53 miles
                Short version of my work commute. I trick myself into miles by leaving my truck at the office. Then I have to get up early and walk to work in AM. But that’s not my motivation. My ##mm is #earnthatcheeseburger (this is not today—today is salad...)
                 3rd Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.
                Oh, that is great motivation. Yum!
                Ha maybe not the ideal “fitness” #mm but it soo works for me
              • cljmills Team TOR/IPM Mar 1, 2021
                5.1 miles
                5.1 miles of walking = 5.1 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 9.34 miles/day.  2nd Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.
              • AndreaEddy Jaime Valentine Mar 1, 2021
                3.0 miles
                3.0 miles of walking = 3.0 miles
                Rain rain go away, I’m not finished with my walk today!
                 Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.
                Looks picturesque!
              • Texi Jennifer Gamiz Mar 1, 2021
                2.4 miles
                2.4 miles of running/Walking = 2.4 miles
                Wore my walking buddy out today!
                 Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.
              • JaimeCMC Jaime Valentine Mar 1, 2021
                2.2 miles
                2.25 miles of walking = 2.25 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 2.61 miles/day.
              • FDeSmet Jaime Valentine Mar 1, 2021
                3.6 miles
                45.0 minutes of bicycling, moderate pace = 3.6 miles
              • Booya CSS Mar 1, 2021
                3.2 miles
                3.2 miles of running = 3.2 miles
                 Passed 2 runners.
              • ASFDallas Team POW! Mar 1, 2021
                2.5 miles
                2.5 miles of walking = 2.5 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 4.74 miles/day.  7th Longest personal run.
              • ASFDallas Team POW! Feb 28, 2021
                2.3 miles
                2.3 miles of walking = 2.3 miles
                 7th Longest personal run.
              • Texi Jennifer Gamiz Feb 28, 2021
                0.7 miles
                15.0 minutes of moderate activity (yoga, weights, etc.) = 0.7 miles
                 4th Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.
              • Texi Jennifer Gamiz Feb 28, 2021
                1.9 miles
                20.0 minutes of spinning = 1.9 miles
                 3rd Longest personal run.  Passed 2 runners moving JenniferGamiz into #5.
              • ThatGuy307 CSS Feb 28, 2021
                2.0 miles
                2.02 miles of walking = 2.02 miles
                #view & #buddy (ies) all rolled into one.
                 3rd Longest personal run.
                Now you're just showing off. 😎
                Well that’s a “ruff” view! ;)
                Haha. That’s pawesome
              • Sarah1979 Jennifer Gamiz Feb 28, 2021
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
                 Passed 3 runners.
              • ASFDallas Team POW! Feb 28, 2021
                2.8 miles
                30.0 minutes of circuit training = 2.8 miles
                 5th Longest personal run.
              • ASFDallas Team POW! Feb 28, 2021
                2.7 miles
                2.67 miles of walking = 2.67 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 4.32 miles/day.  5th Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.
              • JaimeCMC Jaime Valentine Feb 28, 2021
                2.2 miles
                2.25 miles of walking = 2.25 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 2.68 miles/day.  Passed 2 runners.
              • DKracer Team POW! Feb 28, 2021
                1.0 miles
                1.0 mile of walking = 1.0 mile
                Early morning walk #view
                 Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 1.15 miles/day.  Passed 1 runner.
                Love those early morning walks!
                It was a brief moment of clear skies and then rainy and cloudy all day long. Glad I caught it! @JaimeCMC
              • LeaM Team POW! Feb 28, 2021
                0.8 miles
                20.0 minutes of household work - mopping, painting a room, ect. = 0.8 miles
                 5th Longest personal run.
              • LeaM Team POW! Feb 28, 2021
                0.1 miles
                10.0 minutes of stretching = 0.1 miles
                 6th Longest personal run.
              • LeaM Team POW! Feb 28, 2021
                2.3 miles
                2.3 miles of running/Walking = 2.3 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 1.79 miles/day.  2nd Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.
              • Janci19 Team TOR/IPM Feb 28, 2021
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 3.22 miles/day.
              • Bryant CMC-VA Feb 28, 2021
                3.2 miles
                40.0 minutes of bicycling, moderate pace = 3.2 miles
                 Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 4 runners.
              • cljmills Team TOR/IPM Feb 28, 2021
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
                 6th Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.
              • ASFDallas Team POW! Feb 27, 2021
                1.0 miles
                1.0 mile of walking = 1.0 mile
                 6th Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner moving TeamPOW! into #2.
                You are kicking you know what out there!
              • AndreaEddy Jaime Valentine Feb 27, 2021
                1.5 miles
                0.5 hours of moderate activity (yoga, weights, etc.) = 1.5 miles
                 2nd Longest personal run.
                @AndreaEddy I see I have a yoga buddy on here! Weather here hasn't even been that good for walking lately with little ones! Very wet outside. 😣
              • SavageOne RPM/CMS Feb 27, 2021
                1.4 miles
                0.75 hours of weight lifting = 1.43 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 3.08 miles/day.  2nd Longest personal run.  Passed 2 runners.
              • ThatGuy307 CSS Feb 27, 2021
                13.1 miles
                13.13 miles of running = 13.13 miles
                Trail was white and if you look real close, the bushes are kind red #redandwhite. If that’s not enough, I’m guarantee my cheeks were rosy red.
                 Longest personal run.  Passed 8 runners.
                Good job #sandbagger! 😉
              • Booya CSS Feb 27, 2021
                3.2 miles
                3.2 miles of running = 3.2 miles
                After ultimate frisbee, I invited the family to run a 5k. They politely declined:)
                 2nd Longest personal run.  Passed 3 runners.
                Can’t win em all!
              • Booya CSS Feb 27, 2021
                2.6 miles
                1.0 hour of frisbee = 2.6 mile
                Ultimate frisbee as a family. Team daddy/daughter won 10 to 7 !!
                 Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 2.67 miles/day.  2nd Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.
                Love, love, love it! Great family fun photo @Booya !
              • ASFDallas Team POW! Feb 27, 2021
                3.1 miles
                3.1 miles of running = 3.1 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 4.43 miles/day.  3rd Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.  Ran 26.2 miles (+0.4 miles) in 5 days a PR.
                This is awesome!
              • JaimeCMC Jaime Valentine Feb 27, 2021
                2.8 miles
                2.75 miles of walking = 2.75 miles
                Not a very creative red and white object, but there’s also some friendly bovines!
                 Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 2.79 miles/day.  Passed 2 runners.
                It's perfect! You look so happy to see that stop sign. Great to see your smiling face so much in your pics! :)
                Looks redandwhite to me!
              • BeckiW CSS Feb 27, 2021
                6.3 miles
                6.3 miles of running/Walking = 6.3 miles
                Good Morning ☀️
                 Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 4.18 miles/day.  Longest personal run.  Passed 4 runners moving CSS into #1.
                So today’s team theme was Red and White. It’s a blizzard here up north, and you are in the desert, so between the two of us, Utah has Red n White landscapes covered.
                There you go @ThatGuy307! Team work! and I do see a little white in the sky so 🤷‍♀️.
              • DKracer Team POW! Feb 27, 2021
                1.3 miles
                60.0 minutes of yoga = 1.3 miles
                When the only place to lay your yoga mat is in the kitchen facing a fridge full of kid's letter magnets you say. . . #waldo #redandwhite - The Colony, TX, USA
                 Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 1.18 miles/day.  Longest personal run.  Passed 2 runners.
              • LeaM Team POW! Feb 27, 2021
                1.0 miles
                1.0 mile of walking = 1.0 mile
                 Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 1.66 miles/day.  4th Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.
              • cljmills Team TOR/IPM Feb 27, 2021
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 12.23 miles/day.  6th Longest personal run.
              • Janci19 Team TOR/IPM Feb 27, 2021
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 3.52 miles/day.  4th Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.
              • LeaM Team POW! Feb 26, 2021
                1.3 miles
                1.3 miles of walking = 1.3 miles
                 3rd Longest personal run.  Passed 2 runners.
              • Janci19 Team TOR/IPM Feb 26, 2021
                3.9 miles
                45.0 minutes of aerobic fitness class = 3.9 miles
                My Motivator!
                 3rd Longest personal run.  Passed 4 runners moving TeamTOR/IPM into #1.
              • SavageOne RPM/CMS Feb 26, 2021
                1.0 miles
                0.5 hours of weight lifting = 1.0 miles
                 Passed 1 runner.
              • cljmills Team TOR/IPM Feb 26, 2021
                3.9 miles
                45.0 minutes of aerobic fitness class = 3.9 miles
                My inspiration!
                 3rd Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner moving TeamTOR/IPM into #2.
              • DKracer Team POW! Feb 26, 2021
                1.0 miles
                1.0 mile of walking = 1.0 mile
                #buddy - The Colony, TX, USA
                Killer boots man!
              • ASFDallas Team POW! Feb 26, 2021
                1.5 miles
                1.5 miles of walking = 1.5 miles
                 TeamPOW! moves into #2.
              • SavageOne RPM/CMS Feb 26, 2021
                3.0 miles
                3.0 miles of walking = 3.0 miles
                 Passed 4 runners moving RPM/CMS into #5.
              • Texi Jennifer Gamiz Feb 26, 2021
                2.4 miles
                25.0 minutes of spinning = 2.4 miles
                 Longest personal run.  Passed 3 runners moving JenniferGamiz into #5.
              • Sarah1979 Jennifer Gamiz Feb 26, 2021
                1.5 miles
                1.5 miles of walking = 1.5 miles
                 2nd Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.
              • Booya CSS Feb 26, 2021
                3.3 miles
                3.3 miles of running = 3.3 miles
                Friday 5k 😊
                 Passed 2 runners.
                I didn’t realize until this event that you are rock solid Mr Consistency! Keep it up and glad you’re on our team!
              • ASFDallas Team POW! Feb 26, 2021
                3.0 miles
                3.0 miles of running/Walking = 3.0 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 4.40 miles/day.  Passed 2 runners.
                Way to lead from the front and set the pace Andrew!
              • BeckiW CSS Feb 26, 2021
                3.5 miles
                3.47 miles of running/Walking = 3.47 miles
                 2nd Longest personal run.  Passed 3 runners moving CSS into #1.
                I joined the right team...
              • FDeSmet Jaime Valentine Feb 26, 2021
                3.6 miles
                45.0 minutes of bicycling, moderate pace = 3.6 miles
                 Longest personal run.  Passed 4 runners moving JaimeValentine into #3.
              • JaimeCMC Jaime Valentine Feb 26, 2021
                2.8 miles
                2.75 miles of walking = 2.75 miles
                My walking buddies! ❤️
                 Longest personal run.  Passed 4 runners.
                Awwww sweet pups! And sweet pup mom!
                Don’t forget to count their miles. 4 legs = double too...
              • Bryant CMC-VA Feb 26, 2021
                1.6 miles
                20.0 minutes of bicycling, moderate pace = 1.6 miles
                5 miles on the bike
                 2nd Longest personal run.  Passed 2 runners.
              • cljmills Team TOR/IPM Feb 25, 2021
                1.4 miles
                1.4 miles of walking = 1.4 miles
                 6th Longest personal run.
                Beautiful Picture!
                Wow! Love!
                Jealous of that beautiful view!
              • cljmills Team TOR/IPM Feb 25, 2021
                5.0 miles
                5.0 miles of walking = 5.0 miles
                 2nd Longest personal run.
              • SavageOne RPM/CMS Feb 25, 2021
                3.0 miles
                3.0 miles of walking = 3.0 miles
                 Passed 5 runners moving RPM/CMS into #5.
              • ThatGuy307 CSS Feb 25, 2021
                0.1 miles
                20.0 minutes of stretching = 0.1 miles
                Hip and ankle mobility work. Closest thing in app is stretching. About 45 seconds of it is yoga intense.
                 2nd Longest personal run.
                Do 45 minutes of it as yoga in app then? :)
                Oh no I was just staying honest. My mobility exercise really is 20 minutes of sitting around and 45 seconds of pain. Classifying it yoga would have been cheating. Stretching gives you .1 mile for every 20 min lol. Stretching across the USA would take 17,000 hours.
                Haha for some reason I read as 45 minutes, not seconds. I must have been real tired. Thanks for keeping with the honor system. :)
              • Janci19 Team TOR/IPM Feb 25, 2021
                4.0 miles
                4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
                 2nd Longest personal run.  Passed 6 runners moving TeamTOR/IPM into #3.
              • AndreaEddy Jaime Valentine Feb 25, 2021
                2.0 miles
                2.0 miles of walking = 2.0 miles
                 Longest personal run.  JaimeValentine moves into #3.
              • JaimeCMC Jaime Valentine Feb 25, 2021
                2.2 miles
                2.25 miles of walking = 2.25 miles
                 Longest personal run.  Passed 5 runners.
                Hey, hey, hey. Great pic!
              • ASFDallas Team POW! Feb 25, 2021
                1.5 miles
                1.5 miles of walking = 1.5 miles
              • DKracer Team POW! Feb 25, 2021
                0.5 miles
                0.5 miles of walking = 0.5 miles
                 3rd Longest personal run.  Passed 2 runners.
              • Sarah1979 Jennifer Gamiz Feb 25, 2021
                1.0 miles
                1.0 mile of walking = 1.0 mile
                 2nd Longest personal run.  Passed 2 runners.
              • LeaM Team POW! Feb 25, 2021
                0.5 miles
                0.5 miles of walking = 0.5 miles
                It's nice working from home when you have a treadmill, you can get in some steps while you're on a conference call!
                 3rd Longest personal run of this race.  Passed 2 runners.
              • Booya CSS Feb 25, 2021
                1.5 miles
                30.0 minutes of moderate activity (yoga, weights, etc.) = 1.5 miles
                Overhead lifts and the ab roller. My go to work out for the everyday:)
                 2nd Longest personal run.  Passed 4 runners.
              • BeckiW CSS Feb 25, 2021
                3.6 miles
                3.62 miles of running/Walking = 3.62 miles
                 Longest personal run.  Passed 6 runners moving CSS into #1.
                @BeckiW love the photo!
                Looking forward to some Red Rocks photos this weekend. You showed the UT snow, now show that we have desert palm trees too.
              • ASFDallas Team POW! Feb 25, 2021
                3.0 miles
                3.0 miles of running = 3.0 miles
                 Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 4.37 miles/day.  Passed 2 runners moving TeamPOW! into #1.
              • LeaM Team POW! Feb 25, 2021
                2.3 miles
                2.34 miles of walking = 2.34 miles
                Took the treadmill incline all the way up to 11 for part of today's walk!
                 Longest personal run.  Passed 7 runners moving TeamPOW! into #2.
              • DKracer Team POW! Feb 25, 2021
                0.6 miles
                30.0 minutes of yoga = 0.6 miles
                #som well Texas, it was 70 and sunny yesterday. Touche.
                 2nd Longest personal run.  Passed 1 runner.
                That's still better than Illinois! 🤣
                Oh I'm Sure. I'm from MI, so I can relate. BUT, Dallas gets far more rain than I had in 29 years in Michigan. Lol that I am not a fan of. @LeaM
              • Bryant CMC-VA Feb 25, 2021
                2.8 miles
                30.0 minutes of bicycling, vigorous pace = 2.8 miles
                6 miles on the bike
                 Longest personal run.  Passed 5 runners.
              • FDeSmet Jaime Valentine Feb 25, 2021
                2.5 miles
                2.5 miles of walking = 2.5 miles
                 Longest personal run.  Passed 6 runners moving JaimeValentine into #3.
              • see more...
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                Team Mileage Log:

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                  This race ended 03/01/21 - check out the final activity here.

                  OR start a new challenge here!


                  You need to validate this device to chat.

                  **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
                  • DKracer Team POW! Mar 1, 2021
                    Today's photo theme: It's the last day. Don't lose your momentum now. Keep up that pace! What motivates you? Whether it is envisioning a healthier you or maybe just a little, or big, caffeine fix. There is something driving you to get up and move today! #mm Here's how to upload your #mm photo: Click the camera icon on the LOG tab and upload. Formats are jpeg, gif, png or bmp. Size is limited to 10 MB for pictures, so you may need to edit your photo before uploading. See you out there friends!
                  • DKracer Team POW! Feb 28, 2021
                    Did anyone receive the daily photo theme email this morning? It's not in my junk mail or anywhere. . . Should have sent at 8 am est. Reply yes or no to this if you can so I can determine if there is an issue. Thanks!
                    I am getting my daily #assignment from the in-app posts. I just make a habit to pull up the app each morning and see what’s on tap while checking out everyone else’s activities. I haven’t even looked for the emails this weekend.
                    I got it at 5:00 am central time. To be honest there were so many emails from this weekend (and I scan through my emails on the weekend but make it a mental health habit not to open them unless it is something that looks urgent), I just deleted them all without reading them. Might be one downside to Racery, though I'm sure I can find in the settings where to turn off notifications every time someone clicks "like".
                  • DKracer Team POW! Feb 28, 2021
                    Today's photo theme: We are almost there - Keep it up! When the skies the limit, the possibilities are endless. What does your view look like today? Snap a photo and share your view with us. #view Here's how to upload your #view photo: Click the camera icon on the LOG tab and upload. Formats are jpeg, gif, png or bmp. Size is limited to 10 MB for pictures, so you may need to edit your photo before uploading. See you out there friends! The Associa Cares Team
                  • DKracer Team POW! Feb 27, 2021
                    Hi Racers! If you missed out on the email, today's photo theme is Where's Waldo?! Okay, we aren’t going to send you on a mission to find Waldo today. But let’s find something red and white on our fitness journey today! Snap a photo and share it with everyone. Let's see what we come up with! #waldo Here's how to upload your #waldo photo: Click the camera icon on the LOG tab and upload. Formats are jpeg, gif, png or bmp. Size is limited to 10 MB for pictures, so you may need to edit your photo before uploading. See you out there friend!
                  • ASFDallas Team POW! Feb 26, 2021
                    This seems to be working well. Got keep moving as some of you are on my heels!
                    Don’t forget us sandbaggers who will do long runs this weekend. No lead is safe!
                  • DKracer Team POW! Feb 26, 2021
                    Today's photo theme: Do you have a tried-and-true fitness buddy that is always by your side pushing you to the end? Whether your buddy is of the technology kind or of the man’s best friend variety. Share who, or what is always with you giving you the encouragement or extra push that you need. #buddy Here's how to upload your #buddy photo: Click the camera icon on the LOG tab and upload. Formats are jpeg, gif, png or bmp. Size is limited to 10 MB for pictures, so you may need to edit your photo before uploading. See you out there friends!
                    This is helpful here. I missed the email again today.
                  • DKracer Team POW! Feb 25, 2021
                    Hey everyone! Remember to snap a #som photo today - let's see what's going in your state today!
                    It might be helpful to post the notice about #som and other daily events on message board as well. Racery default sends a notification email each time someone posts or likes a post, so my Racery emails got flagged by Microsoft as spam and sent to “other” and “junk”. I didn’t see the notice this AM and was wondering what #som is?
                    Good idea :) @ThatGuy307 Thanks!
                  • DKracer Team POW! Feb 24, 2021
                    Look out @ASFDallas! @SavageOne is close behind!
                  • LeaM Team POW! Feb 24, 2021
                    Is there a way for Team Captains to set a profile picture for their team instead of showing team initials on the map? If so, maybe that's a communication to share during registration, something like "Get started in 5 easy steps - 1. captains register 2. set your team name 3. add a team profile pic 4. invite people to register for your team 5. race!"
                    Thanks @LeaM! We will check into the profile picture for teams, and I will store your directions for teams for the communications for the live race. :)
                    @LeaM I figured it out! We are team POW! now haha
                    @DKracer that is awesome - LOVE IT! BAM! POW!! WOW!!!
                    We will have to do some logo formatting for CSS. Can't make it fit. For Main Event, it might be a good idea to let branches know format shape/size needs to be SQUARE in advance. :)
                    @ThatGuy307 I'll add it to the list of things to include on the resource sheet for the event. Thanks!
                  • LeaM Team POW! Feb 24, 2021
                    One piece of feedback - it would be great if the regular emails had a link to the race - that way it would be easy to click and log miles when we get those reminders. I think this is less about the platform and more about how we structure our communications - Racery does add links to their social media, just not a link for our specific event. :)
                    Thanks @LeaM! I will add the link to the communications the Cares team is pushing out each morning. :)
                  • DKracer Team POW! Feb 23, 2021
                    Welcome to the race @ThatGuy307 and @BeckiW !
                    @dkracer thanks!!
                  • DKracer Team POW! Feb 23, 2021
                    Welcome to the race, @SavageOne !
                  • DKracer Team POW! Feb 22, 2021
                    Welcome, Sarah! Can't wait to get started everyone!
                  • DKracer Team POW! Feb 16, 2021
                    Welcome, Jenn & Faith!
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                    Team Mileage Log:

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                      Inactive user!

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                      About + Join

                      • From: Chantilly
                      • To: Stockton
                      • Start date: February 24, 2021
                      • End date: March 1, 2021
                      • 0:00 EST
                      • 23:59 EST
                      • Route distance: 5,172.5 miles
                      • Total logged: 225.6 miles
                      Race Across the U.S.: Battle of the Branches. Join CMC VA, RPM, Chicagoland, and Associa Northern California as they compete for most miles.

                      Exercise anywhere you want. Then log the activity and see your avatar move across the route. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest mileage!

                      We've got racers all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:

                      1. Watch this video of Racery pro tips.
                      2. Complete your bio. Include #groups to better track friends or colleagues.
                      3. Update your passcode in settings.
                      4. If your race includes activity conversions, we try to keep the playing field level, and conversions are based on effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.
                      5. To delete a log, click its gear on the right.
                      6. Don’t like one type of email? Unsubscribe at the bottom of that email.
                      7. If you post on social media, please include #raceryapp so we can find you!
                      8. We rely on the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles, a good map or watch suffices.
                      9. Only log intentional exercise please.
                      10. Attribute your exercise to the appropriate day—don't combine workouts from multiple days.
                      11. Only backdate logs for a race up to two weeks in the past.
                      12. Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.
                      Questions? Write!
                      No mileage submitted yet.